David A. Neuman

Author of Kaleidoscopic Shades - Within Black Eternity

Tell us a little about yourself

Born in Adelaide, Australia, where I went to Campbelltown Primary School, then Norward High School, various colleges and finally Flinders University, I've worked at shaping minds as much as bodies in the rehabilitation aged sector. My father was a white-collar worker and my mom was a stay-at-home genius. As for me, I was gifted a vivid imagination and hopelessly distracted, a symptom which continues to this day to distort memories of childhood. Continuing to live in Adelaide, South Australia, with my three best companions, Saffron, Cinnamon and Ginger (they're dogs), we explore its hidden landscapes where the ghosts of time still yammer and remain inquisitive at heart, accepting everyone regardless of their sexual orientations and their take on this big, fantastical universe - understanding that each and everyone of us are in this for the long haul if mankind is to survive.

What prompted you to write your upcoming or latest release?

I first put pen to paper on the debut novel, Kaleidoscopic Shades - Within Black Eternity some 20 years earlier and is a sequel to Kaleidoscopic Shades - Where Eternity Begins, which has not been released. If there's enough interest, I will consider it - but that is a long way off.

What genre and tropes are in your upcoming or latest release? Why these?

Paranormal meets horror-thriller between the lines of reality and fantasy that beckon the unimaginable in a universe of unknowns. Reality is but an illusion...

If your main character had a day off, how would they spend it?

Joshua Triplow would be at Citrus Park with the people that mostly populate his heart - his best friends. And, without doubt, they'd be practicing the Cha Cha, a skateboarding maneuver like no other. At least, in their young minds it's a Guinness Book of Record title holder.

Anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

Besides what the Beatles were on about in their 'With a Little Help from my Friends,' I'd like to share the synopsis to the sequel, The Penny Arcade, which will be released on the success of Kaleidoscopic Shades:

A mansion, built on the blood of countless souls, becomes an orphanage run by a sociopathic woman, who takes care of the children…

Finally razed and left to memory, The Playground has been erected to appease the misery of the past, yet instead of laughter, children's screams continue to shatter the air. Because here nothing truly dies: not the orphanage… not the matron… and not the children...

An impossible phone call in the dead of night compels Joshua Triplow to return to that place of tragedy in a harrowing bid to save his friend caught in a realm without life… to the very same township of Kapunda whose constable, Benjamine McLevy, is plagued by visions of the tortured, visions she can't arrest, of things that have no right to be amongst the living.

Reality is an illusion... hiding the unthinkable...

Bob Triplow has found comfort in having escaped the horrors of childhood until he learns that he has merely passed them onto his ten year old son, Joshua.

Born in Adelaide, Australia, where I went to Campbelltown Primary School, then Norward High School, various colleges and finally Flinders University, I've worked at shaping minds as much as bodies in the rehabilitation aged sector. My father was a white-collar worker and my mom was a stay-at-home genius. As for me, I was gifted a vivid imagination and hopelessly distracted, a symptom which continues to this day to distort memories of childhood.

Continuing to live in Adelaide, South Australia, with my three best companions, Saffron, Cinnamon and Ginger (they're dogs), we explore its hidden landscapes where the ghosts of time still yammer and remain inquisitive at heart, accepting everyone regardless of their sexual orientations and their take on this big, fantastical universe - understanding that each and everyone of us are in this for the long haul if mankind is to survive.

Stay up to date with David’s releases by reaching out to her in the following places:





Magdalin Laine


Interview with Lauren Ashley