The Art of Writing

Writing is an art form. Truly. We may not all follow the same patterns or conventions, but writing well takes crafting, determination, and skill. Combine all of these amazing attributes and you have the ability to create something spectacular. 

As an editor, one of my jobs is to guide, polish, and try our hardest to support authors in their craft and their creations. It's a job I love and one I find rewarding. Every manuscript poses new challenges and joys. It's this that creates the excitement of possibility. 

In order to perfect your art, it's important to have knowledge of writing forms, grammar, punctuation, and all of the exciting bits in-between that regularly make authors cringe. There's no desperate need or urgency to head out and enroll in an English degree, but I honestly believe having the desire to improve and learn will make you a better writer.

To be successful, one needs to have the ability to control every word. Once you're in control of WHAT you are writing and HOW you are writing, the true pleasure of crafting a story can become your main focus. 

Check out some of these fabulous books that can help you with your craft.


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