An Interview with Dahlia Donovan

Celebrating all things Poisoned Primrose

1. What was the inspiration behind this story?

I’ve wanted to write another cosy series for a while. In truth, the main character, Motts came before anything else. I had the idea for her (and her name) almost a year before I figured anything else out.

2. Tell us about your main character.

Pineapple ‘Motts’ Mottley

3. Which is your favorite minor character and why?

Cactus, the cat. Because he’s epic and wears a sweater.

4. What is your favorite personality trait of your main character?

Her unique perspective on life.

5. What is your favorite personality trait of your bad guy/girl?

The bad person in Poisoned Primrose is a right bastard and I dislike them immensely.

6. Tell us something funny about one of your characters.

Motts named her bicycle Monty for no reason whatsoever.

7. One of your characters is going on a shopping spree. Where does he/she go and what does he/she buy?

Origami paper.

8. Your character is at a bookstore. Which section is he/she shopping in? What book is in his/her hand right now?

Non-fiction, more than likely.

9. Your character has the music blasting. What’s playing, and what is he/she doing while listening?

Brit-Pop, singer songwriters.

10. I’m inviting your main character to dinner. What should I make?

Motts has a fairly open mind when it comes to food, for the most part. She’d kill for good lemon curd.

11. Your main character is planning a vacation. Where is he/she going?

Nowhere. Going places involves people. Motts doesn’t like crowds.

12. Were you surprised by the behavior of any of your characters or the direction of your plot at any point while writing?

Not really.

13. Please share a few favorite lines or one paragraph.

The first few lines are my absolute favourite. They always make me laugh.

A cat, a turtle, and a Pineapple walk into a cottage…. That’s it. That’s the punch line of my life choices.

14. How long did it take you to write this book?

I wrote Poisoned Primrose during NaNoWriMo, so it took a month.

15. If your book was made into a movie, who would you like to play the lead characters?

Ellen Page

16. How did you come up with the title?

It went through a few iterations. I knew poison would be part of the title, but *spoilers.*

17. Tell us about your cover art and how it pertains to your story.

It’s glorious. And I love it.

18. Of all the books out there, why should readers choose this one? (What makes your book stand out from the rest?)

Naked cats. A turtle. Cats wearing sweaters. An asexual, autistic main character who loves alliteration.

19. Is there an underlying theme in your book? If so, tell us about it and why/if it’s important to you.

I think the underlying theme in Poisoned Primrose is the same underlying theme in all my books—friendship and the power of being wholly yourself no matter what the world wants you to be.

20.  Fiction can often provide powerful life lessons. What message do you hope readers get from your book?

To borrow from the previous question, that being yourself is the most courageous thing you can ever do.

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Meet Motts and the quirky cast of characters in her world. Poisoned Primrose is a quintessential cosy British mystery and an all-round fun story to throw yourself into.


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